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Freak the Sheep: June 23, 2021

Freak the Sheep with special guest Steve Newall. 

Cave Circles - Disco Saviour
Babyteeth - 2006
Proteins of magic - Hopeful Symphony
HDU - Fauxtekra
Dimmer - Pacer
Wax Chattels - Mindfulness
Hans Pucket - Eczema
The Mint Chicks - Bad Buzz
Wilberforces - Magdalene Bros
Coolies - Phoney
Data Animal - DEATH RACER
Fur Patrol - Andrew
Dead Famous People - Looking At Girls
Tina Cross - You Can Do It
Troy Kingi - Aztechknowledey
Yoko-Zuna, Team Dynamite - Revival
Dam Native - Horified One
Shaft - The Downhill Racer
Aldous Harding - Old Peel
Waterfalls - Balconies and Cherry Trees
Body Beat Ritual - Deplatformed